No incarnation of God can be conceptualized without its feminine power or Shakti. Feminine energy manifests itself in the form power, strength, creation, tolerance, compassion etc. India is not only the land of popular male spiritual gurus, it can pride itself being the hub of female spiritual gurus, who have inspired many by their lives, carved a niche for themselves in the spiritual world and are highly visible in the contemporary world as spiritual leaders. Some of the examples of well-known female gurus include Anandmayi maa, Sharda Maa, Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), Prernamurti Bharti Shri ji , Nirmala Devi, B.K.Shivani, Saadhvi Ritambhara, Anandamurthi Gurumaa, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Mother Meera. A peek into their lives and work would be an inspiration to many: Maa Anandmayi Anandamayi Ma was born in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1896 as Nirmala. The love for divinity was visible in her since childhood and the sound of religious chanting would bring ...