When and where is it celebrated?

Holi is a popular festival of Hinds, which is celebrated in the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna. Celebration of it is can be dated back to the 4th century CE. It marks the beginning of spring after a long winter. It's celebrated around the world, although the rituals and festivities occur majorly in India and Nepal. Origin of the festival and its celebration There are many mythological stories behind the celebration of Holi , the one being most popular is Holika dhahan and triumph of Prahlad (good) over Holika, sister of demon Hrinakshayap (evil). Another was Lord Krishna smearing the faces of Radha and Gopis with colours, leading to the celebration of the festival of colours. Another legend of Holi which is popular in Southern part of India is that of Lord Shiva and Kaamadeva. Kaamdeva tried disrupting Lord Shiva meditative state, outraged Lord Shiva burnt him to ashes. With Rati (Kaam deva’s wife) penance, Lord Shiva grants life to Kaama, peo...